Sunday 25 October 2009

1817 4400 second seasons ends in WOW

But to day Friday has been different. Lots of work and lots of film experiences, beginning with the last three episodes of the second season of the 4400 Lockdown, The fifth Page and Mummy’s Bosses and all three episodes are part of the build up to the Finale.

In Lockdown the HQ of the Government 4400 centre is attacked by a cerebral wave which makes everyone aggressive and homicidal which as the episode ended appeared to have been caused by a 4400 due for quarterly assessment who protected herself by wearing headphones. It was never clear why this attack was made but my guess is a war by the future against further Government action against 4400 members. It was not until the next two episodes that we learnt the nature of action.

Maia came out in a rash was being treated as Hives or an allergy. Which given my own recent condition and now in the process of clearing. What was I writing a couple of days ago about coincidences Shawn also came down in this rash and lost his power to heal and tried to keep what happened to him secret. In the next episode an increasing number of the 4400 are similarly afflicted and the government orders them all to be placed back in quarantine. This provides the opportunity for two people to return to the series. The first is Dennis Ryland the former head of the Unit who we now learn had been promoted to Washington but had been told to take charge again when his replacement is incapacitated from a gun shot wound during the Lockdown incident. The second is the originator of the theory about the potential power of the unused areas of the brain, Kevin Burkhoff the scientist in the mental institution who inspired the building of the communications device which broke his catatonic condition. He has been working on attempting to unlock the brain power through scientific method and is highly critical of the methods of Collier centre in inviting normal people to pay for a process which has no hope of giving them 4400 powers.

He has accepted an invitation from the Collier Organisation to work for them trying to understand and replicate the special abilities but understanding and unlocking the power within the brain
He brings his research to the government centre on learning of the extent of the spread of the infection among the 4400 in the hope the government will also share its knowledge with the common purpose of finding a cure. His help is we

After Diana and Tom or Tom and Diana obtain the secret medical files Kevin reveals that the 4400 are afflicted not by a disease but the side effect of a synthetic substance that has been placed in their blood stream named Promicin inhibitor and that is gathering in the lymph nodes, In Mummy Bosses we are taken through a flashback to the early days of the series and the aggressive telekinetic behaviour of a returnee. The Scientist doctor working at the centre Doctor Max Hudson is explaining to Dennis Ryland that the body produces four neurotransmitters and that the aggressive telekinetic returnee Orson has five and which enables him use those parts of the brain dormant in every one else and that as a consequence it can be assumed the other could have similar powers with different outcomes. He develops the synthetic substance which is designed to inhibit restrict the development of such power called anti Promicin and Dennis with the approval of a range of people in Government decide to inject the substance into the 4400 during the their quarterly medical check ups without their knowledge and approval and therefore an illegal action according to the constitution and current legislation. (Promicin is fictitious)

Kevin Burkhoff then works out that the side effect can be eliminated by the blood of a returnee who has not been subject to the quarterly medical checks. This is the daughter Isabelle born to Lily and Richard after she returned and which is obviously why Jordan Collier regarded her as the salvation of the 4400 and the future, There is a sub story in this respect as Lily ahs become possessive over her daughter when she finds she can no longer communicate has she been, as the anti Promicin takes effect but instead the daughter can communicate with Richard. When Shawn is also afflicted and loses his power and has to enter quarantine Richard is appointed temporary head and he organises a safe house for some of the key returnees when teh government orders them into quarantine and Lily runs off with her child and seeks the help of her first husband, There is a situation where eh says his new wife and departed and he still has feelings for Lily and wants them to get together, When he tries to take her by force she kills him but Isabelle makes the body vanish and then reappear as if nothing has happened.

After Kevin create the anti anti Promicin he uses it first on Shawn who with his power back is able to cure everyone at the centre, Isabelle had cured her mother beforehand and the series ends as Lily having returned to their home at the centre HQ finds he daughter has gone and we switch to the Jordan centre where Shawn is in his office and a young woman enters and says she is Isabelle having been transformed overnight!

A second sub story is that Kyle becomes tormented by the fact that teh person charged with the Collier murder could face a life term of imprisonment. He gets to know the girlfriend and brother of the accused and decides to give himself up something which his father is opposed to. When teh crisis is over Kyle visits Shawn and admits he killed Jordan and Shawn uses his power to free Kyle of the alien power still within him. This enables him to find the inner peace and stability to insist giving himself up for the murder,

Tom has become even more emotional irrational at times during the three episodes. Yet he is also the one to understand what has happened in Lockdown and tries to remove all guns and other weapons to prevent killings under the influence. His condition is also affected when Alana is other dimension wife of eight years begins to slip between dimension as she is afflicted and has to go into quarantine. She is one of first to be cured by Shawn.

Diana is also having her moment as first she nearly shoots Tom in order to protect her daughter who is one of the first to become afflicted and lose her ability and then she rewards the geek Marco Pacella who has a crush on her and who worked out how to counter the cerebral attack and also helped to steal the medical papers which led to the cure. She invites him to dinner to celebrate the end of the crisis, but Maia warns that it has only just begun.

Tom was able to enable the cure to be used by blackmailing Dennis to call off the removal of everyone including Isabelle, from one of the safe houses. He and Diana have managed to find a secretary witness to the use of the anti Promicin inhibiter and kept a copy of all the key papers. The outcome is that Denis Ryland and the other who authorised the action are arrested and the doctor who behind the action is found dead in his car.

At the very end we also see a tramp returning to the site where the 4400 returned and this is Jordan Collier! Whatever next?

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