Thursday 10 December 2009

1840 4400 moves forward Babylon 5 and X Files

It has been an unusually good Monday with the highlight the arrival of Sophie Calle’s Take Care of Yourself, which chronicles the response of 107 people, predominantly women, to a dear Jill, E mail which the artist received. It is a sumptuous book full of photographs both matt and glossy plates, I am yet to count, possibly 107 in addition to the written responses, some by hand, there are 4 video CD’s with English subtitles. The Email or perhaps a response is printed in Braille and shorthand. The book therefore has textures as well as visuals and audios and I am leaving until Christmas, it is my Christmas present from me to me, to enjoy.

It was lucky that I was at home having gone out to the Car Body Repair centre as soon as the bin was put out along with environmental box. The purpose was to pay the insurance excess £120 under pressure from the Insurance Broker and the Legal service to proceed with the claim for no fault reimbursement. I took the new annual tax licence with me and was advised that the vehicle would be ready within couple of days. A new petrol cap was required. I missed the turning to the centre not once, but twice. The first time I went on to the infamous Gateshead Roundabout under the fly over and turned right and then right again into the parallel road I had been travelling and then turned right and right but again missed the turning forgetting that it is set back from the roadside and has a boarded former car show room towards the main road, the original show room moving further down the road to impressive new sales premises.

Beautiful Day and I still have not found what I am looking for U.2.

My next trip after briefly examining Take Care of Yourself was to Sunderland to a building Society, not to be confused with a Bank as one couple did during my visit to deposit money transferred from Premium Bonds and add the interest for the previous year.

I had to park on the 8th level of ten although I was pleased to have been able to park at all such is the Monday rush at this time of year. That I could park is perhaps an indication of unseasonal calm before the storm. Just when the army has completed a temporary Bridge to rejoin the town of Workington across its river banks there are more severe weather warnings in the area. It is now called a crossing after the name of the policeman who died in the area

I then went to Fulwell, after a little petrol at Morrisons, to Sainsbury to see if the 25% reduction on a half case of wine was still in operation. I was after some Asti Spumante, a repeat of last year and a case of Peroni as I have only one bottle left from the supply bough last Christmas. They had the Peroni but not the Spumanti. I passed my former home of thirty years on the way back to Shields. I bought copies of the Journal and Shield’s Gazette to see the reaction to Joe gaining a place in the finals of the X Factor. The Gazette has an editorial and well as two page centre spread and a note on the front page.

Pride, With and without you, New Years Day- U2.

I watched two episodes of the 4400 before going to the supermarket for a Christmas buyin which included a bottle of Spumante for Christmas and new Year‘s Days and pieces of Turkey Breast and stuffing which will make a hot meal on the day and cold the day after. A frozen box of Pigs in blankets! I had intended to buy salami but there was no assistant immediately available and I forgot the crackers. Otherwise everything went well with a small pieces of iced Christmas cake, some specialist cheese, two individual Christmas puddings. I hope to get in some puff pastry mince pies just beforehand rather than the traditional pastry version. Two bags of walnuts -going back to the neighbour’s tree across from where I lived for the first ten years of my life and a further supply of boxed dates. I need some Queen olives and prawns. I stocked up with tinned veg but forgot the frozen roast potatoes. A good supply of fruit should last till the weekend and I did not forget the milk having enjoyed, surprisingly, a cup of black coffee on return from Gateshead.

Streets with no name, Stuck in a moment, Sweetest thing, Where the Streets have no name-U2

The second highlight of the day was not the episodes of the 4400 but Babylon 5 episode 20, Babylon Squared in which Delenn is called back to homeworld for a meeting of the Grey Council, so called as holding the balance between the dark and the light and where she is surprised to find that the Council has been holding informal discussions in her absence to decide on the next leader, her. This would mean holding court in the Great Hall for the rest of her life, not returning to Babylon 5 to oversee the implementation of the Great Prophecy. She takes the unusual and controversial decision to decline the honour which could mean banishment from her position on the Council.

Sunday Bloody Sunday, Too late- U2

Meanwhile back on the station a distress signal has been heard from.... Babylon 4 which disappeared with its skeleton crew and builders in total some 1250, given that the present small city size population of 250000 on Babylon 5. The Commander and Garibaldi go off to investigate and find the station has been flipping between times so that the occupants have no idea that four years have elapsed and they were thought to have disappeared without trace. Everyone is evacuated in five shuttles trips. Meanwhile Sinclair finds an alien who is trying to contact- The One. The purpose of the alient to take the biggest of the Bablyon Station through time to help The One in Great War to come. At first he thinks Commander Sinclair is The one a human in a space suit who arrives and the alien gives up something to him. a Time stabiliiser which will also help in the Great War. Commander Sinclair attempts to greet the new arrival but is thrown back by a force. Having completed the mission the alien says he is to die whether he is to stay on the ghost station -Marie Celeste likle or leave with Commander back to Babylon 5. The programme ends as the human in the space suit removes his helmet having taken charge of station the stabilizing device. It is another Commander Sinclair, older!

One, Walk on, Desire, Sometimes you can’t make It, The Saints are coming -U2

In contrast the X files episode had no grand design and concerned a woman whose mother was murdered bring her birth forward. The young woman is blind but the principal suspect in two murders which required sight to carry out although Mulder is convinced she not guilty but shielding the murderer.

Rockferry and Warwick Avenue- Duffy

It transpires she has been able to see the murders through the eyes of the killer and that she was only present at the scenes astrally in an attempt to prevent further killing. Eventually Mulder proves she is innocent and gains her support to capture the actual killer, the man who murdered her mother, and who has been recently paroled from prison. It is her father.

Serious and Stepping Stone- Duffy

And so to episodes 5 to 8 of the final season of the 4400 which continues to disappoint and lack the Wow factor of Babylon Five and some episodes of the X Files. Each season of Lost also brings its revelations as the whole unfolds. We appear to have completing switched from the activities of the 4400 to those who have taken the Promicin originally manufactured by Isabelle. During the four episodes we learn that anyone who has taken the shot is able to manufacture further quantities thus the supply can become unlimited and in effect half the world can develop special abilities and half die. At present those taking the shot are mainly adults who have reached a crisis point in their lives and no reason to continue. However it does include a school boy who has lost his parents in road accident.

Syrup and Honey, Hanging On Too Long - Duffy,

In Try the Pie Tom goes off in search of Kyle who has been led to where Jordan Collier has been hiding and finds him in deserted mine with a bevy of bodyguards. Tom stops off at a local diner and is greeted warmly by local citizens including the Sheriff and is recommended to take food including the special apple pie which he is told has special ingredients. Apple Pie in the USA is like Fish and Chips in the UK where the differences between requires careful study, along with pasta sauces in Italy and Italian America. How Tom manages to get in the same area is a puzzle.

Delayed devotion and I’m sacred- Duffy

Tom stops for petrol and recognises Kyle’s Car when he goes to find an assistant and there is no petrol in the pumps. Tom realises something is not right and it is not. The village is full of special ability Promcin takers and his persistence leaves him to being captured.

Distant Dreamer- Duffy

Meanwhile Kyle has convinced Jordan about the book and the mission. Isabelle who has accompanied Kyle is also freed while Jordan take in the idea that he is to bring heaven on earth, to show the face of God by the new Promicin takers. Given his Jesus appearance this is not a surprise. Kyle explains that his father is the last name on the list of 200 people whose taking of the shot will change the world. Jordan says he will not force the drug on anyone even if Kyle is certain his father will survive and is part of the grand plan. However while he nearly goes ahead, he relents and Tom comes to in the deserted village. There is no sign of the Promicin takers. In between om has taken the a portion of the apple pie and enjoys the pleasant memories of the villages and one of his own which bonds everyone together. It is the special ability of the the woman who runs the diner and with whom Tom stays during is adjustment to the village prior to seeing his son, Isabelle and Jordan. Tom understands that his son has become Jordan’s adviser and adds his name to those which the authorities are required to look out for an apprehend with caution. Meanwhile Jordan and the others have decided to move back into Seattle. It is time for the grand mission to begin.

Tomorrow and Save it for your Prayers- Duffy

In the Marked we learn that Isabelle was not alone in coming back from the future to scupper the work of the 4400 and the new Promicin takers. Matthew Ross who Isabelle killed and Jordan’s previous advisor and controller of the 4400 centre turns out to be one of the Marked, as the beings from the future are called. A 4400 returnee, ah they still have purpose, a third rate amateur film maker using his friends to make the films is now making films which appear to explain some of the great mysteries such as the assassination of President Kennedy.

Your song and I need you to turn to - Elton John
When Tom and Diana investigate the man goes into hiding so they contact a lawyer who appears to have funded the films. He is in a state fo fear claiming that he man is being pursued by the Marked, his latest project which is to reveal the ten individuals, important beings whose bodies have been taken over by beings from the future. One of these is the present head of the biggest software company in the world and another is a Cardinal adviser to the Pope. However the names of the others have not emerged from the process of writing the scripts for his films

The Bridge and Yellow Brick Road - Elton John

Then Tom is taken away by members of the Government to a special clinic where he is inject behind his ear leaving a mole. They have found that the Software leader ahs a mark behind his ear but different to that of Tom. This occurs after Tom and Diana arranged a meeting with the Chief Executive Officer of the company to ask if he has had contact with the returning 4400 film maker, as his financial backer has been found dead believed murdered. The two are then confronted by the CEO who effectively admits he is one fo the Marked, on their side and and on the people and therefore they should be supported. We learn that Tom has been chosen to replace the Isabelle killed member, but only as a sleeper until needed.

Don’t go Breaking my Heart -Elton John with Kiki Dee

In Till we have Built Jerusalem Jordan and co have moved into a mile square derelict area of riverside Seattle using an abandoned nuclear shelter as their base until they have transformed the area as a second heaven on earth paradise. They have placed lights around their territory which act as defence wall which no one can penetrate. However the government decide to use their Promicin trained soldier to penetrate the defence and kill Jordan who has announced his mission to the world.

Philadelphia Freedom and Rocket Man - Elton John

Tom and Diana hitch a ride to try and save Kyle and Maia. Maia has been having visions which she draws and paints. The first announces that Jordan is in the City and the second the area where they are located, however before the Unit can work out the area, Jordan announces this and that any attempt to interfere will be met by force. Maia then sees the government assault and goes to assess if Jordan is a good man and should be saved.

Daniel and Crocodile Rock- Elton John

Jordan demonstrates his good intentions by getting one of the Promicin takers to clean up the polluted river into drinking water and where fruit and flowers spring up on the banks. The special forces who have the capacity to become invisible but only if they stand still and to neutralise the defence system enter the new 4400 territory but are immobilized and Jordan uses his special ability to remove the Promicin from the soldiers.

Sacrifice and Can’t you feel the love tonight- Elton John

Jordan has already warned what will happen if the USA government takes offensive action with demonstration “natural” events such as earthquakes, rain storms and the like in areas where there are no populations. Now he is wants to take punitive action but is persuaded by Maia not to do so. Instead he increases the area of the new society, doubling to two miles square of the city.

Sad Song and Your Song- Elton John
with Ronan Keating and Bryan Adams live

Meanwhile Diana and Maia are back on their own, the husband having left on his work assignments. Tom is invited to dinner but only as a friend and then Maia suggests she would like the former boyfriend the Unit geek to visit them again. The unstable and unreliable Diana seems to agree. I would have pensioned her off along with Tom. However the new Unit director is even more unsuitable and seems to have a crush on Tom which eh is unaware off until told by Diana.

Candle in the Wind and The Bitch is Back- Elton John

Meanwhile Shawn is continuing to heal a dozen people a day and try and further his political career. He is attacked by an existing councillor who Miaia has vision will become President and force all the people with special abilities to wear a yellow P on their arms rather like the Jewish star in centre is occupied by Nazi Germany before their extermination. However Shawn is the victim of a honey trap when the daughter of someone he has cured invites him to dinner and into her bed. This is a set up by men from the East who are paying for her education, career and new lifestyle. This and the emergence of Jordan as the new Saviour appears to scuttle Shawn’s political ambitions especially as the Senator backer tells him to withdraw as the media assemble, the story of the one night stand being leaked.

Saturday Night-Elton John
with Anastasia

Further having told Jordan about the threat which the Councillor will have in the future, especially after the man announces he is going to stand for Mayor, the man is struck down and is in hospital in a coma. Shawn blames Jordan who denies any involvement. Shawn admits his human weakness and error but confirms his intention to continue to stand, despite rejection in the opinion polls. He also goes to the hospital and cures the Councillor thus appearing to return the situation to that forecast by Maia. Shaun sees his mission as being of the Grey between the Dark and the Light!

I’m still standing and Don’t let the sun go down on me- Elton John

This brings me nicely to No exit in which all the key players suddenly find themselves brought to the Unit HQ in the middle of the night and under attack- Jordan, Kyle and Isabelle, Shaun, Tom, Diana with Maia and the Unit leader together with the geeks. Only Richard is missing. In the melee which follows first the unit leader is killed and then Shawn. It emerges that one of the geeks who keeps saying, that was not meant to happen, has taken Promicin and his special ability is to create dreams games in which he is able to bring about reconciliation although only when he finds the way out of the dream. He dies just as he is find the way. The group work out the enemy is the building which they must disabled. This involves Tom and Jordan joining hands to act as a conduit for a volt supercharge to override the building, This breaks the dream and everyone returns to where they were before

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